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Don't Make These New Year's Resolutions Mistakes!

You don’t have to be a psychic to know what’s on the average list of resolutions at the turn of the new year. Is it fair to assume that your list might look something like this?

✓ Eat better

✓ Exercise

✓ Lose weight

Did I hit the nail on the head? Here’s the thing – these things can definitely work, but they will only work when done correctly. Yes, there actually is a science to eating, exercising and losing weight, or else everyone would have already figured it out by now! Okay, so I’m about to take you through a quick tutorial tackling each point one at a time that just might blow your mind – or maybe not – but at least you’ll have room for NEW resolutions!

1. Eat better - In order to eat better, you must first know exactly what foods to eat, how to eat them, and when (what times of day) they should be eaten.

  • What to eat – The foods you eat should be based on your metabolic type and dosha (your body constitution in Ayurveda). We are all as unique as a fingerprint, and what works well for one may not for the next person. At Tao Holistics, we make it a point to dig deep and understand what foods will help your body function at its best, while eliminating those that are prone to causing inflammation or sensitivities. As a rule of thumb, do NOT eat a breakfast heavy in carbohydrates. Think good fats and proteins to keep you full and satiated until your next meal. This means no low fat or fat free anything! Opt for full fat, organic, grass fed dairy (if you consume dairy) for example. Yes, even if you want to lose weight I am advising you to not eat low-fat. I can't get into the "why" now, but I go over this in detail in my 6-Week Mind & Body Reset program(starting Jan 9th!). Eliminate refined foods made with white sugar or white flour; restrict or eliminate gluten; eliminate sugary drinks and familiarize yourself with other sweeteners like coconut sugar, dates, or maple syrup. If you’re considering working with us privately or joining one of our group programs, we’ll take you by the hand to make this part of your journey crystal clear. Basically, you’ll know exactly which foods you should and should not eat.

  • How to eat – Did you know that when you cook your food, you are killing the very enzymes that are necessary to digest them in the first place? This is what causes gas, bloating, pain, and food sensitivities. This means you should aim to eat more raw foods (some will need to take a digestive enzyme with raw foods if the gastrointestinal system is out of balance) and practice better food combinations. If you know that adding fruit to your salad for lunch or having dairy and fruit together lead to stinky gas, stomach upset and bloating, you will want to avoid these obvious hindrances.

  • When to eat – It is important to try and eat at the same times each day. Eat within an hour of waking up to jumpstart your metabolism. You will also want to avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime. This will help prevent indigestion and heartburn, and gives your body time to burn calories from the meal you’ve just eaten, versus going right to bed with a full stomach.

2. Exercise – Gone are the days that anyone would recommend an hour-long session on the treadmill, or even a “traditional” hour in the gym, period. Long, strenuous workouts cause the body to create too much cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. This can add weight specifically around the middle, giving the inner tube appearance around the belly. This is definitely NOT what you set out to accomplish when you go to the gym! The body’s hormones and neurotransmitters (hormones in the brain) are delicately balanced. Any symptom that is unwanted is usually a sign that something is out of whack. You could have too little or too much of a particular hormone. Exercise, in moderation and the right form, should be beneficial to the body and brain, signal the release of endorphins, improve mood, and more. High intensity interval training (HIIT) or functional fitness classes (think Cross Fit) are good ways to increase your heart rate, burn calories and build strength and endurance at the same time. Talk with a personal trainer or find a reputable source online to understand the differences.

3. Lose weight – This is a loaded topic, without question, but let me outline for you the three basic things you must consider if you are serious about wanting to lose weight, whether 100 or the last 10 pounds…

  • Poor digestion & elimination – Every bite of food must be digested in order for your body to pull the nutrients from it. When food takes longer than usual to be broken down by the body, it begins to decay and can release toxins within your body. Because toxins store themselves in fat cells, TOXINS = ADDED WEIGHT. The solution to this problem is to be sure you are digesting your meals properly, with use of a full spectrum digestive enzyme, more raw foods in the diet and a low-stress environment, as stress (any kind) hinders digestion and puts the small and large intestine on lock-down! Elimination refers to waste materials being eliminated from the body. Once food is digested and the nutrients are absorbed by the body, the waste material is then eliminated through the colon/lower bowel. Did you know that having even ONE bowel movement per day is NOT “regular?” You should be eliminated once per full meal eaten in any given day. Again toxins = weight gain, as they tend to store themselves in fat cells. This means that with a proper detoxification protocol, many of the unwanted fat cells will be removed as well. Good to know, right?!

  • Insulin resistance – The body (pancreas) produces insulin as glucose is released into the bloodstream. In a normal situation, the cells take in glucose to be used as energy. When insulin resistance is present, the cells do not take in the glucose, resulting in excess insulin and high levels of blood sugar. This is a problem with a large majority of people who are overweight, regardless of whether or not they have Diabetes. Carbohydrates break down into sugars in the body and when they are not digested properly they will spike insulin. If you have fatigue after meals, always crave sweets after meals, or use the restroom a lot, you could have insulin resistance. Another interesting sign is when there is noticeable “peach fuzz” along the cheek/jawline of the face. Obviously, personalized lab tests will determine exactly if insulin resistance is the case, but it is always a good first step to evaluate your habits, signs and symptoms so you can have an open discussion with your practitioner.

  • Better nutrition–Refer to number one for an idea of what you should be eating; however, this is general and not tailored to fit your individual biochemical makeup. Focusing on whole foods, organic produce, organic/free range meats and healthy sugar substitutes is a great starting point! Food is fuel, and you cannot expect to reach or maintain an ideal weight or good health if you do not improve your nutrition, period.

I hope that you've gotten something out of today's post - that next year's resolutions may need some tweaking! Give yourself the gift of health and enroll in our Mind and Body Reset program, kicking off January 9, 2017! Hint, hint... the VIPEarly Bird pricing won't last forever...

Have an amazingly wonderful holiday, full of family, faith, friendship, and GIVING!!!



Always looking out for you!

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