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Did you know the kidneys play a role in stability and equilibrium? Together, the kidneys and bladder also perform the important function of filtering waste from the blood & aid the body in eliminating these wastes through the urine. It is essential to greatly reduce (or eliminate) the amount of sugary drinks consumed, as these wreak havoc on the kidneys and can place excess stress on these vital organs. 


Remember, the adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys, so if you're dealing with fatigue (especially early morning), irritability or chronic stress, your adrenal glands are battling some level of fatigue or even dysfunction. Chances are your kidneys have been taking the heat as well!


Ingredients: Proprietary blend of organic and wildcrafted herbs - Juniper berry, Burdock root, Gravel root, Orange peel, Goldenrod herb, Hydrangea root, Pipsissewa herb, Marshmallow root, Parsley root, Uva Ursi leaf, Peppermint leaf, Dandelion leaf, Horsetail herb, Corn Silk, Parsley leaf


2 fl oz. liquid extract or 120 veggie capsules

The Kidney Cleanse

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